10 College Avenue, Fishponds BS16 2HL

Landlord:  Eden Properties
City: Bristol

Bedrooms: 4
Availability: TAKEN
Weekly Rental:  £133 per bedroom
Monthly Rental:  £575 per bedroom
Applies to: 2023-2024
Rental Term: 12 months (Jul-Jun)
PAT Testing: Yes
NICEIC Testing: Yes
EPC Rating: D
Contact: Dene Gilbert
Contact Telephone:  07816 273559
Contact Email: denegilbert123@gmail.com

Included free at this house:
Washing Machine Washing Machine    Water/Sewerage Water/Sewerage    Gas/Electricity Gas/Electricity   

Lettings fees:
No fees: £0

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property location

10 College Avenue

Description of the House

Great 4 bed student house a short bus ride, walk or cycle to the main UWE campus and Glenside. Double Glazing and gas central heating. Good sized double rooms and a garden. Kitchen and separate shared living room. Rent INCLUDES gas, electric and water bills !! Clean and well maintained property.


Fishponds has a range of pubs, bars and shops providing all you will need. It is on a main bus route into town and up to the UWE campus. Lots of green spaces and parks.

This house features:

  All Double Rooms
  Separate kitchen and Lounge
  No Fees
  Well decorated and maintained

Internal Views